Word Roots

Rows Returned: 500
Term Definition Translation Sound Clip
abdomin abdomen
absorpt absorption
acanth thorny, spiny
acetabul acetabulum
acou hearing
acr extremity
acromi acromion, projection of scapula
aden gland
adenoid adenoids
adip fat
adren adrenal glands
adrenal adrenal glands
aer air or gas
agglutin clumping, sticking together
agranul without granules
alb white
albumin protein album
algesi sensitivity to pain
aliment alimentary canal, nutriment, food
alveol alveoli
ambly dim, dull
amni amnion
amyl starch
an anus; without, not
anabol to build
andr male
aneurysm aneurysm
angi vessel or channel (blood or lymph)
ankyl stiff joint, a growing together
anthrac coal dust
antr antrum
aort aorta
aponeur aponeurosis
append appendix
appendic appendix
aque water
arche first, beginning
arteri artery
arteriol arteriole
arthr joint
articul joint
asbest asbestos
ascit ascites
atel incomplete, imperfect
ather yellow plaque, fatty substance
atri atrium
audi hearing
aur ear
auri ear
aut self
azot urea, nitrogen
bacteri bacteria
balan glans penis
bartholin Bartholin's gland
bas base
bi life
bil bile, gall
blast primitive, germ cell
blephar eyelid
bol cast, throw, bolus of food
borborygm rumbling sound heard in intestines
brachi arm
bronch bronchial tube, bronchi
Bronchi bronchial tube, bronchi
bronchiol bronchiole
bucc cheek
burs bursa
calc calcium
calcane calcaneus, heel
calci calcium
cali calyx
carcin cancer
cardi heart
carp carpus, wrist bones
caus burn
cec cecum
celi abdomen, abdominal regions
cellul cells
cephal head
cerebell cerebellum
cerebr brain, cerebrum
cerumin cerumen
cervic neck, neck of an organ
cheil lip
chem relationship to chemical or chemistry
chir hand
chol bile, gall
cholangi bile vessel
chole bile, gall
cholecyst gallbladder
choledoch common bile duct
chondr cartilage
chor cord, tendon
chori chorion
choroid choroid
chrom color
chron time
chym chyme, mix of partially digested food and digestive juices
cib meals
cine movement
circum around
cirrh yellow
cis cut
clavic clavicle, collar bone
clavicul clavicle, collar bone
coccyg coccyx, tail bone
col colon
colp vagina
condyl condyle, rounded protrusion at end of bone forming articulation
coni dust
conjunctiv conjunctiva
constipat constipation
cor pupil
cord spinal cord
core pupil
corne cornea
coron heart
cortic cortex
cost ribs
crani head, cranium, skull
crin secrete
cry cold
crypt hidden
culd cul-de-sac
cutane skin
cyan blue
cycl ciliary body
cyesi pregnancy
cyeso pregnancy
cyst bladder, cyst, sac
cyt cell
dacry tear
dactyl fingers or toes
defec defecation (bowel movement)
defecat defecation (bowel movement)
deglutit deglutition
dent, denta, tooth, teeth
denta tooth, teeth
denti tooth, teeth
derm skin
dermat skin
diaphor sweat
diaphragmat diaphragm
digest digestion
dipl double
dips thirst
diverticul diverticulum
doch duct
duct to carry
duoden duodenum
dur dura mater
ech sound
edemat a swelling
electr electric
eliminat elimination, expel from body
embol a throwing in; mass that blocks
embry embryo
emmetr in due measure
encephal brain
endocrin endocrine
enter small intestine
enzym enzyme
eosin rosy
epididym epididymis
epiglott epiglottis
episi vulva
epitheli epithelium
eruct belch forth
eructat belch forth
erythem flushed, redness
erythr red
erythrocyt red blood cell
esophag esophagus
esthesi feeling
estr female
eti cause
evacu evacuate, emptying out of bowels
evacuat evacuate, emptying out of bowels
excrtu excretion
fasci fascia
fec feces
femor femur
feti fetus
feto fetus
fibr fibers
fibrin fibrin
fibros fibrous tissue
fibul fibula
flatus rectal gas
gangli ganglion, knot
ganglion ganglion, knot
gastr stomach
gen reproduction or sex
gingiv gum
glauc gray
gli neuroglia, glue
glomerul glomerulus
gloss tongue
gluc sugar
glyc sugar
glycos sugar
gnos knowledge
gon generation, genitals, semen, offspring
gonad sex glands
granul granules
gravid pregnancy
gyn female, woman
gynec female, woman
hem blood
hemangi blood vessels
hemat blood
hepat liver
herni hernia
heter different
hidr sweat, water
hist tissue
histi tissue
home like, resembling, sameness, similarity, unchanging, constant
humer humerus
hydr sweat, water
hymen hymen
hypn sleep
hypophys hypophysis
hyster womb, uterus
ichthy dry, scaly
idi individual, self, distinct
ile ileum
ili ilium
immun protection, safe
ingest ingestion, to pour in, carry in
intestin intestine
intussuscept intussusception, prolapse of organ
ion ions, to wander
ir iris
irid iris
is same, equal
isch hold back, suppress, deficiency, blockage
ischi ischium
jejun jejunum
kal potassium
kary nucleus
kerat cornea, hard, horny
kinesi movement
kyph humpback
labi lip
labyrinth labyrinth, maze, inner ear
lac milk
lacrim tear duct
lact milk
lamin lamina
lapar flank, abdomen
laryng larynx
later side
lei smooth
leiomy smooth muscle
lept thin, slender, delicate
leuk white, colorless, related to leukocyte
leukocyt white blood cell
ligament ligament
lingu tongue
lip fat
lith stone
lob lobe, section of an organ
lord swayback, curve
lumb lower back
lymph lymph
lymphaden lymph gland, lymph node
lymphangi lymph vessels
mamm breast
mandibul lower jaw
mast breast
mastoid mastoid process
maxill upper jaw
meat meatus
med middle
medull medulla
melan black
men menstruation, menses
mening meninges
menisc meniscus
ment mind
mesenter mesentery, middle intestine
metacarp metacarpals
metr uterus
metri uterus
mi small, less than
morph shape, form
mort death
muc mucus
muscul muscle
mut mutation
my muscle
myc fungus, mold
myel bone marrow, spinal cord
myo muscle
myocardi heart muscle
myring ear drum
myx mucous
narc sleep
nas nose
nat birth
nati birth
natr sodium
naus nausea
necr death, dead cells or tissue
nect bind, tie, connect
nephr kidney
neur nerve
neutr neutral
noct night
norm rule, order, normal
nucle nucleus
nutri nutrition
nutrit nutrition
nyctal night
obstipat obstipation (extreme constipation)
ocul eye
odont teeth
olecranon elbow
olig scanty
oment omentum, fat
omphal umbilicus, navel
onc mass, tumor
onych nail
oo egg
oophor ovary
opaq dark, impervious to light rays
ophthalm eye
opt vision, eye
or mouth
orch testis, testicle
orchi testis, testicle
orchid testis, testicle
organ organ
orth straight, correct, in proper order
oste bone
ot ear
ov ovary
ovari ovary
ox, oxi oxygen
pach heavy
pachy heavy
palat palate
pancreat pancreas
par labor, to give birth to, to bear; refers to the number of viable offspring (500+ gm or 20+ weeks gestation)regardless of whether they are alive or dead at birth
parathyroid parathyroid glands
part labor, to give birth to, to bear; refers to the number of viable offspring (500+ gm or 20+ weeks gestation)regardless of whether they are alive or dead at birth
patell patella
path disease
pector chest, pectoralis muscles
ped foot
peli skin
pelv pelvis
peps pepsin, a digestive juice
pept pepsin, a digestive juice
perine perineum
peristals peristalsis, constrict around
peristalt peristalsis, constrict around
peritone peritoneum
perone fibula
petr stone
phag eat, swallow
phak Lens
phalang phalanges - fingers or toes
pharyng pharynx
phas speech
phil attraction to, like
phleb vein
phot light
phren diaphragm or mind
phys nature
pineal pineal body
plasm relationship to plasma
pleur pleura, side or rib
pne respiration, breathing
pneum respiration, breathing
pneumat respiration, breathing
pneumon lung, air
pod foot
poikil irregular
poli gray matter
polyp polyp, small growth
presby old age
procident procidentia
proct anus, rectum
prolaps prolapse
prost prostate
prostat prostate
prot first
proxim near
pseud false
psych mind
pub, pubi pubis
pubi pubis
puerper childbirth
pulmon lung
pupill pupil
py pus
pyel renal pelvis
pylor pylorus
pyr fever
quadri four
rachi spinal column
radi radium, radius
radic nerve root
radicul nerve root
rect rectum
regurgit regurgitation
ren kidney
reticul network
retin retina
rhabd rod-shaped
rhabdomy striated muscle
rhin nose
rhythm rhythm
rhytid wrinkles
rug rugae
sacchar saccharin
sacr sacrum
salping eustachian or fallopian tubes
sanguin blood
sarc flesh
scapul scapula
schiz split
scler hard, relationship to sclera
scoli crooked, bent
scrot scrotum
seb sebum
sept infection, septum
ser serum
sial saliva
sialaden salivary glands
sider iron
sigmoid sigmoid
silic silicone
sinus sinus
somat body
somn sleep
son sound
sperm spermatozoa
spermat spermatozoa
spher round
sphygm pulse
spir to breathe
splen spleen
spondyl vertebrae
squam scale
staped stapes
staphyl clusters, grapes, pertaining to Staphylococcus
steat fat
ster solid structure
stere solid, three dimensional
stern sternum, breast bone
steth chest
stomat mouth
strept twisted chains
submaxill lower jaw
sucr sugar, sucrose
syndesm ligament
synovi synovia
syring tube, fistula
system system
tars tarsals
tax order, coordinating, coordination
tele distant
ten tendon
tend tendon
tendin tendon
test testis, testicle
testicul testicle
thalam thalamus
the put, place
therm heat
thorac chest
thromb clot of blood; a thrombus
thrombocyt platelet
thym thymus
thyr thyroid gland
thyroid thyroid gland
tibi tibia
tom cut, a cutting or slicing
ton tension, tone
tonsill tonsil
top place, position, location
tox, poisonous
toxic poisonous
trache trachea or windpipe
trachel neck
trich hair
trop stimulate
tubercul tubercule, a swelling
tympan ear drum
uln ulna
ungu nail
ur urine
ureter ureter
urethr urethra
urin urine
uter uterus
uve vascular layer of eye